You followed us as we shared the love of Christ with a Latvian orphan named Gvido. Now, follow us on our journey to adopt him... Ryan Blake Vernon.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Bowling Champion

Not much in the way of great excitement around here. We spent yesterday taking down the Christmas decorations. That wasn't great fun, but had to be done nonetheless. Gvido said goodbye to the tree as we lifted off each branch! He used the word Grinch at the thought of us packing it up, not in a mean way though. I explained that it just wasn't socially acceptable to leave it up all year long! He did however want to leave his decorations in his room up, so I guess I'll be taking those down once he leaves.

We went bowling with some friends today. Caleb, Kenzie and Bethany joined us at US Play for a couple games of bowling. Gvido won both games. I didn't play, I watched, otherwise I believe I could have swept both games. (Ha) We still have a full week to go, thank goodness, I'm not ready for him to go yet. He's such a good kid, he hasn't had a bad day yet! Granted he's a little clumsy and has broken several things, but on accident, never on purpose. When I hear a crash, as I did just a little while earlier, I usually hear right behind it, "I think it's not broken!" Too funny. Today he bit his cheek when he was eating and from the back seat I heard, "my cheek is broken." I turned around and he said, "yes, a piece of my cheek." He speaks English, Latvian and Russian and has helped us translate for some of the other kids! He knows I know a little Latvian, so he's trying to teach me some Russian. I tend to protest because there's only so many languages your brain should be responsible for! I'm including some pictures from today.


Anonymous said...

Today was a lot of fun. I have to admit the "broken cheek" incident was quite funny!
Thanks for taking me along today :]

Anonymous said...

You can wii bowl....maybe you can come over one day or night and wii. If we are not here, you still can. The kids are home from school after 4 ish. He would really like it.