You followed us as we shared the love of Christ with a Latvian orphan named Gvido. Now, follow us on our journey to adopt him... Ryan Blake Vernon.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Aquarium

First of all, big high five to the GA Aquarium and Missy Davis for providing free tickets to several hosting families to attend for free. Missy was then able to escort each family into the Deepo 4D movie for free. Awesome experience for the kids and a gracious gift by those at the Aquarium; many, many thanks! Needless to say, awesome day. He loved the aquarium. It was just he and I. Seeing as all Atlanta area schools were back in session today, there was a light crowd so we had the run of the place and got some really cool photos. These are just a few. We are going Ice Skating today, so check back in later for that. He saw a picture of one of the other host kids Ice Skating and asked if he could do it, telling me "never in my life!" Well, how do you turn that down?


Anonymous said...

Fish, Fish, and more Fish. I bet he just loved it. We went and got some great pics of the jelly fish, they were my favorite. Have a wonderful time ice skating. Maybe we will see you tonight!

Anonymous said...

I loved those pictures; they turned out great!