You followed us as we shared the love of Christ with a Latvian orphan named Gvido. Now, follow us on our journey to adopt him... Ryan Blake Vernon.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

"Shiny" Days

Instead of sunny days, at the sight of the sun in the morning, he proclaims "Shiny Day!" So, we've had some shiny days, but also rainy days. Considering all the rainy days of late, he learned the fine art of chores, cleaning and the vacuum... fun! Saturday we went to Stone Mountain. It was overloaded with people, so we didn't get to do everything we wanted because the lines were SO long. After 4 hours we'd only really gotten to do two things, so we were sort of over waiting in line. We probably did the best two things, the skyride to the top of the mountain and the train.

Gvido really liked the mountain top. To be honest, had I thought through it, he would have liked to have hiked it... had we prepared for that clothing/shoe wise and came earlier in the day. Oh well, the ride up was pretty cool and he wanted to run all over the top of that thing. We should have taken a friend because our energy and adventure level doesn't always match his. Still, he had a good time.

Other than that, he's been playing with his Christmas gifts and just relaxing around the house. One day between rain showers, he was able to get out and play with a neat game the Barron's made for him, Bolo Golf. He was a natural. I think Mr. Barron should patent his cool game. If not outside playing, he has his moments when he's turning flips over the couches, wanting to have light saber or karate fights and we have plenty of the "hey mom... look" moments. He's still so child-like for his age, doesn't match up with our American 14 by any means. But, I love it, it just keeps me on my toes. I've used the phrase "be careful" ALOT! I don't know how mom's of boys function sometimes, my word! I guess you just pray for them and roll with the rest. Boys must surely have more guardian angels than girls. Enjoy some new photos from Stone Mountain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a peaceful feeling you get on the top of the mountain. Glad he got to experience it. BOLO...thqat looked fun. Don't forget to come this week and ride cows.......oh my it is so much fun....we laugh until...well for a long time.

Love ya sweet momma