You followed us as we shared the love of Christ with a Latvian orphan named Gvido. Now, follow us on our journey to adopt him... Ryan Blake Vernon.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Fun and Games

Saturday was the welcome party for all the Georgia hosted children. We went to Andretti's for some go cart racing and video games. He had a blast, loves video games.

We've had some special moments today. Saturday night as we were riding to our friends, The Smith's, it was raining and Gvido says to me from the backseat, "you know what I hear about rain? It's like how Jesus washes our sins."

Earlier this afternoon, he and I got to talking about bible stories. I asked which ones he knew and he mentioned, "Peter in prison." I asked what else, he said Adam and Eve. I asked who were they, he said "the first humans." I asked who was first, he said "Adam then Eve." I said yes and they had two boys, to which he replied, "Yes, Cain and Abel." Then I said, yes, but do you know what happened between them, he said "yes, Cain kill Abel." Just amazing, this kid...

He has no self-confidence. He has spoken only English since he arrived but says his English is no good. He sees pictures and says things like, "my nose is big," or "my lips are big." He says he's "fat," which is hilarious! (I've yet to meet an orphan who is "fat.") I think he must get picked on alot. After the bible story discussion, I told him he was so smart. After a few minutes, I guess he was thinking about it, he said, "you think I'm smart?"

He's just so incredibly special. God is all over and all around this child. He learned some of these things at camp this summer and the church that put on the camp. He sometimes goes to that church which is in Riga, capital city of Latvia. I asked him how he gets to Riga and he told me he takes the train. I asked how long the train takes and he said two hours. Riga is probably about 60-80 miles from his town. More later on this special young man!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Didn't know you had a blog for him. He is SO cute. I loved seeing him today singing at church. Please let him know we just think he is very handsome. He can come over anytime and beat Ben in video games.

Love and blessing to you all!
