You followed us as we shared the love of Christ with a Latvian orphan named Gvido. Now, follow us on our journey to adopt him... Ryan Blake Vernon.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

2nd Adoption Trip Coming Up

I got a call this morning. Our 2nd of 3 court appearances in Latvia will be Wednesday, May 7th. The 2nd court appearance is incredibly simple and short, yet requires one parent and the child's attendance, if over age 12. Appearance for the 3rd court requires an elapsed time frame of 21 days minimum after the 2nd court. So, it's possible our 3rd and final court completing his adoption could be late May/early June. We have an additional legal issue we need to enter into here in the US, but can't start until his adoption is complete. It would be wonderful to begin that at the start of the summer so hopefully everything regarding him legally could be complete before school begins. God is in control of all these dates and times, He's moved this child along so fast that we can barely keep up! It's just greater evidence that He too wishes him to be able to begin his new life without any more strings or legal proceedings.


Anonymous said...

Soon this will all be behind you all. I can't wait to see how God will use you all to glorify Him...We love you guys!!!!

septemberfirst said...

you guys are in my prayers... hopefully everything will move along quickly and easily!