You followed us as we shared the love of Christ with a Latvian orphan named Gvido. Now, follow us on our journey to adopt him... Ryan Blake Vernon.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Settling in...

We've had some fun moments this week. First, I want to share a cool story. I really wanted Ryan to be able to play Upward Soccer. He's never played on a team in his life. But, I didn't know when we'd get to go to our first court and whether we'd be allowed to bring him home, so I hadn't signed him up. Sunday, I emailed our church Upward soccer coordinator, told him we were home and that I really wanted Ryan to play if there was still room. Later that day, he called me to say he had a spot and his team's first practice was the following night. As if there was any question about God's timing regarding this child, Rich told me how he had prayed and felt God tell him we would have 300 kids this year in Upward soccer. A few weeks ago after printing the initial rosters, he had 279. He prayed again, leaving the 21 other kids in God's hands. As of Sunday, Ryan was officially the 21st child added to the rosters; making him #300. Every once in a while God lets us see his unique timing in simple, but tangible ways. Other people have first steps, we have first soccer practices!

An equally wonderful moment... a couple days ago, after I asked him what he wanted to eat, Ryan sat down to a warmed up piece of cheese pizza and a yoo-hoo. He looked at it happily and said, "Life doesn't get any better than this." I guess it is all about perspective isn't it.

Finally, in the quiet of the morning, I wrote this little number. I have some sweet people that are planning a "shower" for me. It makes me laugh only because I envision women actually having to use their husbands and sons for this shower, otherwise they are doomed to stand in the boy action figure aisle wondering who in the world all those strange creatures are. It’s a special feeling though, that even though we are "unconventional," friends and family still wish to celebrate our first child. Thinking about that, this came to me:

Bottles and formula have I none
But I’ll always have plenty of bubblegum

Instead of rotating mobiles with bears, moons or stars
I find myself looking at the remote control cars

My days won’t be filled with Baby Einstein DVDs
I’m asked to download music into his MP3

I don’t know about percentiles, but I think he’s fairly tall
Forget about training wheels, he’s already shooting a basketball

Between skates and scooters, plenty of Band-Aids for the knee
I know the combined fear and joy of hearing, “Hey mom, look at me.”

I haven’t a clue about karate and can only guess at a soccer game
I’m guessing my video game skills are also pretty lame

But, as he snuggles in beside me, he let’s out a sigh
Says, “mommas are always warm,” and a tear forms in my eye

My job isn’t to swaddle him, but to be his biggest fan
He’s not a baby, but a boy, growing into a Godly man


Anonymous said...

What a handsome boy. Now we can call him Ryan the Soccer boy!!!! I like yoo hoo too so we have something in common.

I can't wait until the shower, I am so excited.....

Anonymous said...

I am very glad everything worked out for Upward.. that is awesome!
Let me know if he wants any one-on-one soccer help :)

Anonymous said...

Your sweet, tender poem made me cry! Boys are so much fun! I thank God every day for the honor of being a mom to 2 great guys! What an extra-special Mother's Day this will be for you, Michelle!!! So much JOY! Can't wait for the celebration "shower"!

Love you!