You followed us as we shared the love of Christ with a Latvian orphan named Gvido. Now, follow us on our journey to adopt him... Ryan Blake Vernon.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Final Trip Complete

We have just returned from our third and final trip to Latvia. As for Jon and I, we are so happy to be finished with this part of the paperwork journey. More is to come now here in the states, but at least we can unpack our suitcases for a while! For Ryan, well, I think there is probably a mixture of emotions. Just as the enemy has sought to shake Jon and I over the last 5 months, he has tried to shake Ryan and make him question himself and his decisions. We just keep reminding one another that God has done a big work, in all our lives, and we must continue thanking him for the gift of one another and trusting Him with the path He is leading each of us on. We praise him for Ryan's opportunity for new life.

We ask for your continued prayers when Ryan comes to mind. It will not be easy, he has been led astray in so many areas; by his former parents and the incredibly tough life of an orphanage kid. However, we believe in the plan of God for his life and believe He will give all three of us the discernment, patience and direction to set him on the right path, especially as we begin to breakdown long-time strongholds, re-frame life experiences and set a new moral standard (a Godly standard according to His word) for his life. It's a gift for Jon and I to be a part of this young boy's life and we thank everyone who has walked and prayed with us in this journey. I've posted a few pictures from our trip.

In the way of continued prayer, we've only been able to raise $1885.00 towards our adoption costs. I need to finalize my receipts today from this trip, but it looks like start to finish cost for this adoption will end around $21,000. We've long since trusted God with this debt, as we knew it would be a reality of the process. Next tax year we will receive a tax credit from the federal government of about $10,000 of the costs. Until then, we had hoped to fund raise at least $8,000 of the adoption. I'm afraid this economy has kicked in and everyone is strapped. Grant organizations are being bombarded and there just isn't enough for everyone and it's completely understandable. If you are able, and feel genuinely led, to make a donation towards Ryan's rescue, please see my May 9th post entitled "status of grants/fundraising." Details are there on how to make a tax-deductible donation. We KNOW that not everyone who would like to help financially can do so. Please just pray alongside us for God to open the door of opportunity, wherever and however it may come. We will not place God in a box or any limitations on how He plans to guide us in accomplishing this feat! (Singer for hire... ha, ha)

The other two remaining prayer needs are that God will guide us quickly in the decision of Ryan's new school. We feel very strongly that he needs to be in a Christian school environment this fall. He is simply too vulnerable right now to throw him into a gigantic public middle school. Also, we've been praying all along about moving Ryan's age and whether that is the right decision. As you know, Ryan "technically" turns 15 this summer, but was only at a 6th grade education level in Latvia. Quite simply, he isn't a true 15 year old when compared to American 15 year olds. He has developmental delays as a result of the traumas he's been through. For institutionalized children such as him, that cannot enter our society at the level of their age counterparts here in the states, you can actually apply to roll back their age up to 2 years. Sounds crazy, I know, but it can be quite a gift to give a child who is severely off in their mental, emotional and social development. After 5 months of observation and prayer, I do think we need to do this for him. Pray for that process, for God's will to come to pass.

God Bless everyone who has traveled the journey with us. Your prayers have sustained us. Your encouragement has lifted our spirits. Your willingness to help has blessed us. You are our treasured friends and we pray that God is working miracles in your life as well. We pray He astounds you today with His love for you. We pray an answered prayer of this magnitude finds it's way into your life. If it does, but looks a little different than you pictured it, follow Him. He will affirm you and guide you every step of the way.

Thank you- Jon, Michelle and Ryan


Anonymous said...

Victory in Jesus!! Keep your eyes on Him, and He will lead you every step of the way! Isn't Jesus wonderful! We love you, Ryan, and are so thankful that you are at home with the Vernon family in Dallas, GA, USA! Our prayers keep going ...

Anonymous said...

What a journey you have all been on! I am sure the journey ahead will be even more exciting and rewarding. You are all very special to the Hicks family and you will continue to be in our prayers as the adjustments continue. There is no doubt in my mind that God has something wonderful planned for all of you.

Love to you all!

Jill Hicks

JoAnn said...

Hey...we met over the Christmas Hosting program. We are the family that last minute ended up hosting and are now in the process of adopting Arturs. Aruturs & Ryan (Gvido) hung out together at several of the activities that we did. I have so enjoyed reading your blog and have been praying for you guys. I would love to talk with you some and covenant your prayers as we contnue in this process. you can email me anytime. In Christ Alone, JoAnn

Anonymous said...

Oh guys, we are so excited that this part of the journey is over and the new begins. It hasn't been easy and He knows your every need. Be still and know...

We love you all God is just so good! Love from the Smith Family!!!!