You followed us as we shared the love of Christ with a Latvian orphan named Gvido. Now, follow us on our journey to adopt him... Ryan Blake Vernon.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Who will cry for the Orphan?

Who will cry for the orphan boy who is lonely all his years
Who will cry for the orphan girl whose eyes have run out of tears
Who will give an orphan child the things they really need
Like home and love and family, yes who will hear and heed
Who will love an orphan child, the Bible says we should
Who will give an orphan child a loving home for good
Who will love an orphan child, the Bible says we must
Who will give an orphan child a sense of belonging and trust
We live in a culture that has it all, but tells us we need more
Will orphans without home or love ever see our door
What use is faith that fails to love the orphans as we should
God gave us wealth so we could give an orphan a home for good
What use is faith that says to a child who desperately needs a home
"Go in peace, be warmed and filled", but then leaves her all alone
How can I tell an orphan child of a God who loves them so
They'll never understand God's love, if my love they don't know
How can I tell them Jesus died to take away their sin
They won't care that Jesus died when they are dying within
God said we're all orphans here, and sent Jesus to pave the way
And if we accept His gift of love, we're a Child of God today
Adoption is God’s proof of love according to His Word
Adoption is the word of love the orphan has never heard
Adoption is God's gift of love, the love that we all need
Adoption is the orphans cry, but who will hear and heed
Who will cry for the orphan child, it's something they cannot do
But, who will cry for the orphan child? If they can't, will you?

Copyright © 2007 Gerald D. Clark Author grants duplication privileges for non-commercial ministry use only. Any such use must include this copyright notice. The Home For Good Foundation can be found at

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