You followed us as we shared the love of Christ with a Latvian orphan named Gvido. Now, follow us on our journey to adopt him... Ryan Blake Vernon.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Headed to Latvia!

We just got word today from Latvia, we have our first court appearance next week! We have a total of three Latvian court appearances. This trip is court appearance number one and requires both Jon and I to attend. Hopefully we will receive approval to bring Gvido back home with us after this court appearance!

We are ecstatic. When I think about all the years that have passed, all the disappointments in the area of beginning our family, I acknowledge that I wasn't patient with God at times. I struggled to understand and I had difficulty seeing beyond the hurt. But in the waiting, God taught us so many lessons and grew our faith, patience, trust and widened our vision to go beyond our personal definition of family. When I think about my son, also waiting for years for God to deliver him and wondering where God was... I can now thank God for every moment of waiting, every hold, every no. If it weren't for that, I would not have had the unbelievable privilege of meeting the amazing young man last September who was to be my first born of heart. I think none of us can ever truly imagine the weaving of lives that takes place when we place our hope in God.

Chosen and introduced to us by God, we are incredibly grateful and humbled to share with you our wonderful news. I can't think of a better way to spend Easter, the celebration of new life, redemption and the resurrection of the very Savior who has guided us, than to spend it in Latvia with our new son. (If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. Matthew 21:22)


Anonymous said...

Jon and Michelle,

"Sons are a heritage from the Lord." Psalm 127:3

Praise Jesus for His gift to you ... a son!! I am sure there are no words to describe the joy and anticipation you feel right now! How rewarding it will be to watch Gvido grow and mature into a Godly man of strength and character. Sons bring so much love and laughter and life into your home!

Our love and prayers go with you to Latvia. God is able! (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Anonymous said...

YAY, this is so exciting. Gvido has filled up my prayer journal and I have enjoyed every minute writing his name down to continue in prayer. As Denise said, sons are so wonderful (I do have a daughter that I would like to send you you periodically, however) and just weave their way into mommy's heart. Yes, children are a gift from God, and yours is on its way. We love you sweet mamma!!!!!!

Kent and Stephanie