You followed us as we shared the love of Christ with a Latvian orphan named Gvido. Now, follow us on our journey to adopt him... Ryan Blake Vernon.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Special Guest

We have a special Latvian guest for a few weeks. Igor will be here until August 24th. He was a hosted boy in this summer's orphan hosting program. However, he was also 1 of 3 that missed the European connection flight because of major delays in their originating city. So, we've added yet another boy to the household... why is it always boys? Igor and the other 2 children will travel with the mission team when they leave for Latvia/Russia on August 24th. We were given approval to do so by Latvia, seeing as they don't start school until September and they certainly do not want them traveling alone. I met Igor in his orphanage in September 2007, he's 16 years old. He and Ryan are having a good time together. He speaks Russian, so Ryan's Russian is getting a workout. Ryan's starting school though, so he'll likely be very bored with only me during the days and my Russian is limited to about 5 words! Just a few pictures in case you see him with us.

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