You followed us as we shared the love of Christ with a Latvian orphan named Gvido. Now, follow us on our journey to adopt him... Ryan Blake Vernon.

Friday, May 9, 2008

We're home... again!

We returned from Trip #2 last night. What a fast and furious trip! Court was a little nerve-wracking. This court was in an actual courtroom, 9 people present; Me, Ryan, My translator, Our attorney, the Orphanage social worker, the Tukums Court director, the Judge, Court secretary and Prosecutor. Yikes! It was the real deal this time! I had the "pleasure" of a new prosecutor that had never done an adoption case, so I think he wanted to prove to everyone that he knew what he was doing. He asked me every question listed in the adoption laws, though all had been answered a million times over in the paperwork. Oh well, all gave their final consent and approval to the adoption and as of May 7th, 2008, we are the official parents of Mr. Ryan Blake Vernon. The court takes 14 days to finalize the verdict, then there is a 20 day waiting period, then we can pickup our verdict. So, about 5 weeks from now, we will revisit Latvia again and finalize all the paperwork for the adoption. Next trip looks to be around June 15-21st. Thanks for your prayers, we are weary, but home!

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