You followed us as we shared the love of Christ with a Latvian orphan named Gvido. Now, follow us on our journey to adopt him... Ryan Blake Vernon.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

"My Mom Rocks!"

Ryan was given a T-shirt that says, "My Mom Rocks!" Can you imagine how much I love that shirt? Seriously, I think it's super-fabulous. Well, without too much nudging, my precious son agreed to wear it to church today. Isn't he awesome? Also, my parents surprised us by showing up at our church this morning. A nice surprise on my first Mother's Day. Just a few pictures from My Day! Sorry to make this post all about me...

(by the way, you can always click inside the picture to make it open up larger)

Friday, May 9, 2008

Status of Grants/Fundraising

Well, we've not had the best news as far as grants are concerned. One still hasn't completed the review of our application submitted back in March. The other let us know we didn't receive an award. That one did, however, set us up a non-profit account to allow donors to receive a tax deduction for any donations made. We submit receipts to the organization for our costs, and they disperse funds to us that are collected in this account. I'm very grateful for this because the least we can do is provide non-profit status for donors to be good steward of the funds pledged to us.

I genuinely LOATHE talking about money! I also genuinely LOATHE that adoption costs are upwards of $20,000 for adopting families. This is the number one factor in Godly, Christian families deciding whether to adopt. It's not usually a matter of the heart, but a matter of the pocketbook. There are many grants out there, but many families competing for them. There just aren't enough funds to help every family and every child. I honestly wish I could do something to change this! I refuse to look at an orphaned child and see a dollar sign, it breaks my heart! But, I know the reality of costs because we are living them. We are not people to live above our means, we never have and hopefully never will. We've never lived on credit, both our parents taught us to live inside what God provides. But, we also know the stress of acquiring almost $20,000 of debt in only a 5 month window. We haven't had that kind of debt in 11 years of marriage! It's un-nerving and I regularly speak with God about it, but I find myself feeling the need to justify the debt, which I know is crazy because it's not like we went out and refurnished our home or bought a new car on credit. For heavens sake, we are saving our son. That shouldn't have such a high cost, but it does. It's not unlike someones medical expenses when an emergency strikes. I tell you, the enemy looks for ways to shake your faith. This is new territory for us though. It's times like this when I think about the prayer of Jabez, I really wish God would enlarge my territory and my boundaries. My greatest passion in life is helping these children in their orphanages. My new second greatest passion, is seeing them be completely delivered and into a Christian home. I honestly pray that God would allow me to do more for them.

For this reason alone I mention this. Many of you from afar have asked what you can get Ryan as far as a welcome gift. Truthfully, Ryan has been blessed with much. We have quite a few people in our church that have given him gifts, freely given us used items like bikes, etc! He truly has what he needs. In lieu of purchasing him another gift, I would ask you to consider making a donation to his rescue. It is just as important for Ryan to learn that "gifts" aren't always tangible things. Consider a spiritual gift, it isn't always something you can "see." In the past couple years, I've learned what a gift it is when others faithfully pray along side me! Prayer is free, but it's worth cannot be measured. In While we would never desire to make him completely aware of the costs associated with this adoption, we do think it can be a good lesson to teach him that Christians help one another in the ways they are capable. Some pray, some put their hands to service, some give financially. So, while I know it's not a "tangible" gift, for those wishing to give him something, I'd ask you to prayerfully consider a donation to his rescue. Then, when you give him a card welcoming him here, please just write a heartfelt message that says how proud you are that he is coming here forever and for that reason you desire to help complete his adoption. It points to God as the only Savior in this picture, the only true Deliverer. It also mirrors that we as Christians do nothing alone, we need one another and we need Christ.

LifeSong for Orphans ( is a non-profit Christian ministry dedicated to help meet the needs of orphan children around the world. They believe adoption, at its core, is evangelism; a vital part of the Great Commission to bring the mission field home. God desires orphans from all nations to be adopted into Christ-honoring families so they may ultimately be adopted into His eternal family through Jesus Christ. If you would like to be a part God’s plan financially, you can make a tax-deductible gift to LifeSong for Orphans. Write “preference Vernon Adoption” in the memo section of your check. Deadline to have funds received is June 30, 2008. Send your gift to LifeSong for Orphans, PO Box 40/202 N. Ford St, Gridley IL 61744

We're home... again!

We returned from Trip #2 last night. What a fast and furious trip! Court was a little nerve-wracking. This court was in an actual courtroom, 9 people present; Me, Ryan, My translator, Our attorney, the Orphanage social worker, the Tukums Court director, the Judge, Court secretary and Prosecutor. Yikes! It was the real deal this time! I had the "pleasure" of a new prosecutor that had never done an adoption case, so I think he wanted to prove to everyone that he knew what he was doing. He asked me every question listed in the adoption laws, though all had been answered a million times over in the paperwork. Oh well, all gave their final consent and approval to the adoption and as of May 7th, 2008, we are the official parents of Mr. Ryan Blake Vernon. The court takes 14 days to finalize the verdict, then there is a 20 day waiting period, then we can pickup our verdict. So, about 5 weeks from now, we will revisit Latvia again and finalize all the paperwork for the adoption. Next trip looks to be around June 15-21st. Thanks for your prayers, we are weary, but home!