You followed us as we shared the love of Christ with a Latvian orphan named Gvido. Now, follow us on our journey to adopt him... Ryan Blake Vernon.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Phone Calls and Emails

Every once in a while, I might post some of Gvido's emails. He is doing such a great job writing in english. You have to read between the lines and sound things out sometimes, but eventually, you catch on! Some things cute, but some weigh heavy on my heart. I've told you throughout the blog that God must have let Gvido in on something because he has certainly chosen us! You will read evidence of that. Precious one, he is clinging to hope and what we felt we were able to tell him with certainty, that yes, he'll be coming back in summer. Of course, he still wants to know when it can be "forever." He doesn't exactly realize it, but God has all three of us walking in faith!

Feb. 20, 2008 Email
hay mam am so hapy dat you are my mam and ay praud det you are may mam ay faster at home with you and JOHN and MOTJO JUNIOR FRENK GOLDIE and BEAR ay love them so much cal cal cal cal be please love your san GVIDZ bye
Hi mom. I’m so happy that you are my mom and I proud that you are my mom. I faster at home with you and John, Motchio, Junior, Frank, Goldie and Bear. (All the pets) I love them so much. Call, call, call, call me please. Love your son, Gvido. Bye.

Feb. 19, 2008 Phone Call
After sensing that I was sad and maybe crying, Gvido said to me, “Mom are you crying? Please don’t cry or you won’t be beautiful. When girls cry, they no longer be beautiful.”

Feb. 15, 2008 Email
hay mam hapy vilentain day hay are you du you fil gud ay hope yes yu nou ay wath de movie titanic and nau ay anderstend det GOOD give to as life det we ken live in this wold ay love you
Hi Mom. Happy Valentine's Day. How are you, do you feel good? I hope yes. You know, I watch the movie Titanic and now I understand that God give to us life that we can live in this world. I love you.

Feb. 8, 2008 Email
sily boy you are sily mam tenyou for misiges ay hope ay wil home sum mam ay mis burger and latsay tings ay hope you haye a great time with me ay love you and dad to ay wan faster may bike to wride with Timi and may friends ay wan faster at america ay mis you do you mis me yo
Silly boy, you are silly mom. Thank you for messages. I hope I will be home soon. Mom, I miss burgers and tasty things. I hope you have a great time with me. I love you and dad too. I want faster my bike to ride with Timmy and my friends. I want faster at America. I miss you, do you miss me too?

Jan.25, 2008 Email
ay faund the pikcurs its yery kuul ay love you ay mis you sou much ay yan faster home you kul mam and ay hay kul dad its yery long time to see you agen ay dont have pasion to yeit tel nay friends ay mis them ay mis you to and dad so muth
I found the pictures, it's very cool. I love you. I miss you so much. I want faster home. You cool and I have cool dad. It's very long time to see you again. I don't have patience to wait. Tell my friends I miss them. I miss you too and dad so much.

Jan 23, 2008 Phone Call
Gvido is sick and is running a fever, so no school. I could tell as soon as he came to the phone that he was terribly congested. Take a funny little accent and make it congested and it's really quite comical then! Anyway, as I finished up the conversation, I just told him how much I wished I could be there to take care of him and help him feel better. He said, "it's ok, I feel better now because I got to talk to my mom." How can you not love that?

Jan. 19, 2008 Phone Call
Viktors is a friend of Gvido's at the orphanage. He does not behave well at all. In fact, I was rather hasty in my judgement about Viktors until Gvido set about explaining to me that he acts bad because he feels like he is bad. His mom died at 6 and his dad told him he was better off without him too. Feeling as though he did something wrong, he's ventured into every bad thing he can get his hands on. However, since Gvido returned to Latvia, Viktors has been making changes and Gvido shared with me today, "Mom, Viktors said he's going to be good like me now, no smoking, no drinking and he tells me he believes in God now. He said he would come to church with me next week." He's being salt and light without even realizing it. I'm so proud of him.

Jan. 18, 2008 Email
michelll ay mis you am yery sad kam back to latvija ay mis may pets ay mis hause ay mis john mam ay wil be kam back in ameica on sumer ay you and john kol me
Michelle, I miss you. I'm very sad come back to Latvia. I miss my pets. I miss house. I miss Jon. Mom, I will be come back in America in summer... I, you and Jon? Call me.

January 16, 2008 Email
hay MIshell tank yow for mesidž say tu john hay ay love yow say to me abaut du you uil be tek me in your hause for oll d time okay bye bye
Hi Michelle. Thank you for message. Say to Jon hi, I love you. Say to me about do you will be take me to your house for all the time? Ok, bye bye.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are great. Soooooon, very soooooooon!!!!! Isn't that a song?