You followed us as we shared the love of Christ with a Latvian orphan named Gvido. Now, follow us on our journey to adopt him... Ryan Blake Vernon.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Carving Pumpkins

No, they don't carve pumpkins in Latvia! So, it was quite an experience for my son to dig out the inside of a pumpkin, draw a face, carve it out, stick a candle it and put it on the front porch! In fact, he asked why we sit it outside and I honestly didn't know. I resorted back to my... "because that's just what we do" excuse! I use that one quite frequently. Ahhhh.... so many "firsts."

This kid has a "first year" photo album that would rival any baby! He's the most photographed teenager on the planet. Happy Halloween!

Salvation & Baptism

On September 8 & 9, Ryan attended a conference with his Christian School. It was called the "Get Real" Conference. This conference focused on exactly what it said... getting real with yourself, your family, your friends and most of all, God. I knew from the title alone, it would be a great conference for Ryan. He wants so much to please others, but we want so much for him to simply be himself and let his own thoughts and feelings known. We never want him to do anything just because he thinks we want him too, much less salvation and baptism. We've had alot of conversations about it, but have never fenced him into making a decision, that needed to come from him. Honestly, he's gone back and forth as to whether he was a Christian or not. Before you think that's normal for an orphan... Ryan was incredibly blessed in a "spiritual" matter of thinking. He was chosen to attend a Christian summer camp 2 summer's in a row. It was a camp put on by a Riga church. Their members and kids would attend and they would invite some orphanage children as well. Ryan took to "God" like a fish to water. He saw and heard something there, in the message and in the people, that made a huge impression on him. He came to us knowing alot about the bible. Granted it was a head knowledge that we will now apply to the heart, but it was pretty remarkable. In fact, he would travel from his orphanage into Riga city most Sunday's just to see them and attend that church.

Well, at the conference, on the last day, he did walk forward, feeling he had not made a heart decision for God and it was time. That Sunday, he went forward in our church and the following Sunday, September 21st, he was baptized. So that nothing is seen as "ritual," we showed him in the bible where Jesus was baptized. Baptism isn't a thing done over there, so it was important that he understood what he was doing and it was "symbolically" following in the footsteps of Jesus. My dad, who is a pastor, was able to baptize him. He baptized me of course, many moons ago, so it was a real special thing for me to watch my dad baptize my son. God is pretty awesome in general, but that day, it felt as though my heart would explode with the knowledge of the amazing thing he had done in all our lives! Enjoy the photos and God Bless!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Walk for Hope!

Ryan and I will be walking in the "Walk for Hope" on October 25, 2008. This walk benefits orphans. Unless our names move... you can see "Michelle" and "Ryan" at the bottom of this page to show that we are registered.

Ryan has been given the opportunity to be rescued from the life he was living as a child in an orphanage. We will both walk together, in honor of the thousands of orphans that are still waiting in line behind him. We praise God for leading us to Ryan and having the opportunity to make him our son. Now, we work and pray for the other children who remain. Please join us as we raise funds to offer more orphans the chance to change their destiny. There are MANY more just like him... waiting.

If you are able, we'd love to have you as a sponsor on the "Vernon" team. We have both already received a $50 sponsor each (Thank You Hatcher's in Texas) so we're off to a great start at meeting our goals. New Horizons is a non-profit, 501c3 ministry, so ALL contributions are tax deductible.

You can make your check payable to New Horizons for Children and send it directly to our home address. Thank you! (33 Autumn Woods Dr, Dallas GA 30157)

Spirit Week

Well, it's safe to say Ryan never spent a week of school in Latvia dressing up in ridiculous costumes! This is spirit week, also known around here as Homecoming week. Each day, the kids dress up in different things. Monday was pajama day, Tuesday cowboy day, Wednesday decade day, Thursday sports team day and Friday is Lion Spirit day, because they are the "Lions." He and I both have had fun pulling the costumes together. Not easy, as we don't have a lot of wardrobe to pull from, but we have great friends who loan us things like cowboy boots and hats! (Thanks Boyers)

I knew you couldn't miss what my little European has dressed up as this week. On cowboy day, he looked awesome! He had pearlized buttons, big belt buckle, really great boots and a great hat. Some girl from 12th grade asked him if they even had cowboy boots in Europe! His reply, of course not. Him walking on a pair of "heels" was hilarious, he's never had anything on that had a heel. Anyway, we've had so much fun. His 80's hair is courtesy of his momma's fabulous hair skills! He was a most excellent looking 80's breakdancer. On Thursday, sports team day, he wore his Latvia soccer jersey and hat. We figured no one else in school would be wearing that team! It will stink to go back to uniforms next week... well not really, this has taken alot of effort. Enjoy!