You followed us as we shared the love of Christ with a Latvian orphan named Gvido. Now, follow us on our journey to adopt him... Ryan Blake Vernon.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Ryan's Friends

We were so fortunate to be able to attend church services with Ryan on Good Friday and on Easter Sunday. Ryan traveled from his orphanage into Riga most Sunday's for church. He had to take a bus and a train to get there and was the only child that did this. His orphanage was about 80 miles from Riga. The social system kids have a public transportation pass and he knew which routes to take to get there. That church has been kind to him and for that I will forever be so grateful. They are the ones who sponsored him to Christian camp and each Sunday they fed him after church when all the families ate together. He had no many to pay, but they fed him anyway. It reminds me so much of Jesus' statement, whatever you do unto the least of these, you have done unto me. We never know whose need we are meeting as the body of Christ. In this case, Christians on the other side of the country were sowing seeds into the life of my child.

It was wonderful to follow him into church and watch him say hello to friends. He was so proud to introduce us as his new parents. While church was in Russian, they were some familiarities. We could tell when they were saying the Lord's prayer and I could easily sing along to the Russian version of "Via Dolorosa" and "Up from the grave he arose" on Easter Sunday Morning. Because of Easter, they weren't having their normal services so Ryan did not get to attend his Sunday afternoon kids church service, which is where he would have seen many more friends. Easter week was a holiday week in Latvia, so I think many children were away with their families visiting relatives. We only got to meet a few of his friends, but I thought you'd like to see some of those photos. The main shot was taken inside his church while the kids choir was singing. I hope, when he and I return for our third court trip, to attend services again with him and get more photos.

Slavic was a boy from church who met us on another day and toured Riga cathedral with us. He was out of school that week, like the other kids. While out, Jon and I stopped to check emails and Slavic and Ryan went off walking by themselves. As a nervous mother, I was just praying and hoping nothing happened and that they made good decisions while they were out and about. Imagine my surprise when the two of them returned on time with presents... for us. Slavic had spent his own money shopping with Ryan to buy us gifts. Jon got a pair of sunglasses and they bought me a snow globe. I felt bad that Slavic had spent so much money and I wanted to repay him, but he wouldn't let us and just said that he felt we were very good people and we were doing something very nice for his friend. He and Ryan had a good time, he seemed like a very sweet boy. He liked hearing about America and even came back to the apartment to watch movies with us later that night. We were sad to see him go but grateful for the time he spent with Ryan.

We were not able to go to the orphanage this trip, but plan to go there on our 3rd trip to Latvia. At that point, we'll have pictures of the children and teachers from the orphanage.

Old Town Riga

Because of the location of Ryan's orphanage and the court proceeding, we stayed in Riga, which is the capital city of Latvia. In Riga, we reserved an apartment with two bedrooms. Sometimes the court would rather you reserve an apartment because it's more like a home setting. Renting apartments is actually fairly common there, just as common as reserving a hotel here. There are many hotels, but only one "brand" name hotel in all of Riga that you would even recognize, a Radisson. Other than that, just a hodge-podge mix of hotels and furnished apartments. I think they are more economical for adoption because you can go to the market to get food to prepare in your kitchen, which is far cheaper than eating our for 10 days. We only ate at a restaurant 2 evenings and went to the McDonald's a couple times. Other than that, we cooked food in our apartment.

In Riga, there is the Old Town Riga area, which is where we stayed. This is really a neat area, full of history and really interesting buildings and churches. We walked all over the place. Our tour guide, Ryan himself, knew Riga very well and took us everywhere we needed to go. He really loved taking us new directions and yet always ending up at "home." We had a good time just walking and looking. These are some of the beautiful pictures we got in this Old Town area. I made sure to include a good snow shot so you could see what we were walking around in. The birds are right outside our window. Ryan leaned out to take that one. We were on the top floor of the building so we had a great view and the birds visited us often.

Introducing............... (drum roll) Ryan Blake

Well, after going through several names and testing them out in Latvia, he has decided on Ryan Blake to be his new name. He really likes it and while we know it will take you all some time to memorize it, just know that even we forget and call him by his old name occasionally. It will sink in with a little time. Here are some pictures I took of him while we were away in Latvia. He still looks at himself and just sees things he doesn't like. We look at him and just see a handsome boy. As for the graffiti shots, well, I think every boy thinks graffiti is cool. So, I include those because they were sort of neat looking.

It was colder than we expected. A bit of a winter storm rolled through. It's time for spring there, but during our trip came the last gust of a snowy winter. Luckily, Ryan had a coat and was able to bring it with him when he came to us at court. He brought his suitcase he took home from Christmas and when we got to the apartment an opened it up we found it practically empty. Only a few things remained from his time here at Christmas. Everything was gone, not a single toy remained but a hackysack. He had only a few shirts we had given him and his photo album, everything else was gone. Thank goodness I had planned for that and took several sets of clothes for him. He had been telling me all along as each thing was taken from him, but the shock of seeing a nearly bare suitcase really hit home that he wasn't kidding, everything was gone. We reminded him that it was ok, that he would have some new things when he got home.

Home Sweet Home

Hi everyone. Well, I wasn't able to update the blog while we were in Latvia, so today I'm going to catch up! I hope you enjoy seeing many of the pictures from our first adoption trip to Latvia. We got home last night, minus one bag that I hope shows up today. All total, 11 days were involved, so we are pretty tired, but incredibly happy to have our son home. There were tense moments, many on our knees in prayer, but what a wonderful feeling for me to look over at him as we were lifting off the runway in Riga, Latvia. We praise God that He prevailed. There were so many moments when I would simply pray Jeremiah 29:11, I knew the Lord knew His plans and I knew He wouldn't allow the enemy to steal them or alter them. All 3 of us came back as a stronger family unit, ready to embrace all of our new roles.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Latest Updates

We leave Atlanta on Tuesday, March 18th. We have been told that in all likelihood, Gvido should be able to come home with us. Our Latvian lawyer already has his embassy interview setup on the afternoon following court. So, everything looks good. It doesn't look like we will be able to visit his orphanage. Yesterday on the phone he told us that the plan was for him and the social worker to meet us at court and he would bring his things. Granted, virtually everything he took back with him after Christmas has been stolen or broken. We are having to pack clothes, shoes, socks, etc, because he doesn't have much left. Basically, his bag should be small, bless his heart.
I, of course, saw his orphanage when I visited with New Horizons last September. But, I'm sorry Jon will never have a visual of where our son has come to us from. It's unreal to see an orphanage. You just have no idea until you step into one. Having visited at least 20 at this point, some still surprise me. But, I'm going to trust God that He knows what's best for all of us. Gvido's orphanage director hasn't been there since the children returned from America back in January. She's been sick and in the hospital for a surgery. So, I already had a feeling the orphanage social workers might not want an adopting family there, if she wasn't.
Other than that, Gvido is "really, really" excited. He said he thinks the first thing he will do when he gets home is go to his room and sleep in his bed! Yesterday he was wondering if we could bring him some McDonald's. He has told us both about his "dream." His dream is to come to America and to get strong in body and mind. He wants others to look at him and believe he is a good person. He wants to be someone others think highly of. He also wants to work out and get strong physically. He says,, "I will get stronger than dad." It's the simplest dream in the world I suppose. But, coming from a child who's been pushed around, verbally assaulted, told he has no worth, no value, it's truly the thing nearest his heart. I tell him all the time how wonderful he is. One, I believe it. Two, he needs to hear it. Orphans are truly cast-offs. They are not valued as other people are in their society. Rarely do they come across an orphanage worker or teacher who actually places enough value on them so as to encourage them. I say it all the time, all they really need is someone to tell them they love them and they are great. As they grow to trust you, they begin to believe it. I thank God that this one can begin to dream again.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Headed to Latvia!

We just got word today from Latvia, we have our first court appearance next week! We have a total of three Latvian court appearances. This trip is court appearance number one and requires both Jon and I to attend. Hopefully we will receive approval to bring Gvido back home with us after this court appearance!

We are ecstatic. When I think about all the years that have passed, all the disappointments in the area of beginning our family, I acknowledge that I wasn't patient with God at times. I struggled to understand and I had difficulty seeing beyond the hurt. But in the waiting, God taught us so many lessons and grew our faith, patience, trust and widened our vision to go beyond our personal definition of family. When I think about my son, also waiting for years for God to deliver him and wondering where God was... I can now thank God for every moment of waiting, every hold, every no. If it weren't for that, I would not have had the unbelievable privilege of meeting the amazing young man last September who was to be my first born of heart. I think none of us can ever truly imagine the weaving of lives that takes place when we place our hope in God.

Chosen and introduced to us by God, we are incredibly grateful and humbled to share with you our wonderful news. I can't think of a better way to spend Easter, the celebration of new life, redemption and the resurrection of the very Savior who has guided us, than to spend it in Latvia with our new son. (If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. Matthew 21:22)