Gvido really liked the mountain top. To be honest, had I thought through it, he would have liked to have hiked it... had we prepared for that clothing/shoe wise and came earlier in the day. Oh well, the ride up was pretty cool and he wanted to run all over the top of that thing. We should have taken a friend because our energy and adventure level doesn't always match his. Still, he had a good time.
You followed us as we shared the love of Christ with a Latvian orphan named Gvido. Now, follow us on our journey to adopt him... Ryan Blake Vernon.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
"Shiny" Days
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Zoo and Varsity!
Then, on to an Atlanta tradition; The Varsity. Yum! He found the burger to be acceptable, but would not try the chili on the fries. He tries most things, but evidently the chili looked scary. Oh well, more for us. He loved going through downtown Atlanta. In his continued fascination with spiderman, he projected which buildings spiderman could jump between! He knows that New York is the "real" home to spiderman and has asked if we can go there some day. Enjoy a few outtakes from today, we're so cool! He got closest to the kangaroos, as you can tell. I practically had to pull his hand inside the fence. I didn't know how well a chopped off index finger would go over with his government upon his return... I know, I'm such a party pooper.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Happy Birthday Jesus!
Thank you for checking in and Merry Christmas to you and yours. If you are missing someone precious to you this year, know that our hearts are with you and we very much understand. While we seek to create some wonderful new memories this year, we still can't help but feel the void of Jon's parents. Knowing we are not alone, we truly wish you a blessed day full of love wherever you find yourself. Borrowing the words of a song I like... God's grace is enough. May Christ be ever present in your home, filling it with a light that cannot be purchased or plugged in. Thank you to all our friends and family who continue to love, support and encourage us through life's hills and valleys. You are our gifts, you minister to us in so many ways... thank you for your friendship, love and walking alongside us another year.
Good Ole' Rocky Top
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
"These are a few of my favorite things..."
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Church Clothes!
No real reason for this particular blog other than to show you how cute he was on his first day at church! He asked me this morning how many days he had been in America so far! He's gotten to where he calls us mom and dad sometimes... it's quite cute. I think it's easier for him to remember than our first names, but either way, its warms my heart every time I hear it. He met the neighborhood kids this afternoon, that went well. I tell you, all the kids around us, whether at school, church or in the neighborhood are so great with the kids we bring. They are so kind, putting the "new kid" first and being patient with the cultural differences. It's so awesome to see how the children around us are a part of ministering to our host children. You know who you are and if you are reading this... THANK YOU or PALDIES (pall-dee-ez)!
Fun and Games
We've had some special moments today. Saturday night as we were riding to our friends, The Smith's, it was raining and Gvido says to me from the backseat, "you know what I hear about rain? It's like how Jesus washes our sins."
Earlier this afternoon, he and I got to talking about bible stories. I asked which ones he knew and he mentioned, "Peter in prison." I asked what else, he said Adam and Eve. I asked who were they, he said "the first humans." I asked who was first, he said "Adam then Eve." I said yes and they had two boys, to which he replied, "Yes, Cain and Abel." Then I said, yes, but do you know what happened between them, he said "yes, Cain kill Abel." Just amazing, this kid...
He has no self-confidence. He has spoken only English since he arrived but says his English is no good. He sees pictures and says things like, "my nose is big," or "my lips are big." He says he's "fat," which is hilarious! (I've yet to meet an orphan who is "fat.") I think he must get picked on alot. After the bible story discussion, I told him he was so smart. After a few minutes, I guess he was thinking about it, he said, "you think I'm smart?"
He has no self-confidence. He has spoken only English since he arrived but says his English is no good. He sees pictures and says things like, "my nose is big," or "my lips are big." He says he's "fat," which is hilarious! (I've yet to meet an orphan who is "fat.") I think he must get picked on alot. After the bible story discussion, I told him he was so smart. After a few minutes, I guess he was thinking about it, he said, "you think I'm smart?"
First Day

We are settling in! The children arrived Wednesday night about 5:00pm. He’s doing good with us, but he doesn't feel 100%. He has aches in his joints, especially his knee, and he gets tired quickly... not sure what's going on. I'm just going to try my best to get some vitamins, minerals and wholesome things down him! He "says" he doesn't like meat, so he probably never gets protein. I wouldn't like meat if I lived on the meat they serve in Latvian orphanages! Pray that whatever is ailing him, that God will show me what it is, what to do, how to help him or just heal him up. I want him to be good and healthy when he returns home. It will do him well to be built up before the flu season hits hard over there.
Other than that, we decorated the tree in his room, got a haircut and french fries; a special request. Also, he did a pretty spectacular movie-esqe fall and flip off the scooter today. Yeah, that didn't help the knee, but whoever prayed he wouldn't break his wrist today, thank you! He loves anything with wheels, skates, skateboard, etc. So, I think he's getting a skateboard for Christmas... again with the wrist prayers! He loves spiderman and we did buy a spiderman action figure today at the store. By the way, he can't stand that there is something under the tree with his name on it and he doesn't know what it is! Then, when he realized the 2 presents were his, not just one, he just couldn't believe it.
In our conversation this morning, he told me he believed in God at 10 years old. He explained that the devil is close when he does something bad, but when he does something good, he moves away. Perhaps not perfect theology, but a pretty good start! He said he used to be bad and fight people, but when he believed in God at 10 years, he stopped doing that. Under his shirt when he arrived, he pulled off a blue felt cross strung on a piece of orange ribbon. God is surely close at hand to this kid. He knew Christmas was "Jesus Birthday." When I asked about Santa though, he said rather cynically... "I've never seen him." Thank you Lord for his fantastic English, what a joy to have an ongoing conversation!
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