Hosting Gvido: Adopting Ryan
You followed us as we shared the love of Christ with a Latvian orphan named Gvido. Now, follow us on our journey to adopt him... Ryan Blake Vernon.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Carving Pumpkins
Salvation & Baptism
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Walk for Hope!
Ryan and I will be walking in the "Walk for Hope" on October 25, 2008. This walk benefits orphans. Unless our names move... you can see "Michelle" and "Ryan" at the bottom of this page to show that we are registered.
Ryan has been given the opportunity to be rescued from the life he was living as a child in an orphanage. We will both walk together, in honor of the thousands of orphans that are still waiting in line behind him. We praise God for leading us to Ryan and having the opportunity to make him our son. Now, we work and pray for the other children who remain. Please join us as we raise funds to offer more orphans the chance to change their destiny. There are MANY more just like him... waiting.
If you are able, we'd love to have you as a sponsor on the "Vernon" team. We have both already received a $50 sponsor each (Thank You Hatcher's in Texas) so we're off to a great start at meeting our goals. New Horizons is a non-profit, 501c3 ministry, so ALL contributions are tax deductible.
You can make your check payable to New Horizons for Children and send it directly to our home address. Thank you! (33 Autumn Woods Dr, Dallas GA 30157)
Ryan has been given the opportunity to be rescued from the life he was living as a child in an orphanage. We will both walk together, in honor of the thousands of orphans that are still waiting in line behind him. We praise God for leading us to Ryan and having the opportunity to make him our son. Now, we work and pray for the other children who remain. Please join us as we raise funds to offer more orphans the chance to change their destiny. There are MANY more just like him... waiting.
If you are able, we'd love to have you as a sponsor on the "Vernon" team. We have both already received a $50 sponsor each (Thank You Hatcher's in Texas) so we're off to a great start at meeting our goals. New Horizons is a non-profit, 501c3 ministry, so ALL contributions are tax deductible.
You can make your check payable to New Horizons for Children and send it directly to our home address. Thank you! (33 Autumn Woods Dr, Dallas GA 30157)
Spirit Week
I knew you couldn't miss what my little European has dressed up as this week. On cowboy day, he looked awesome! He had pearlized buttons, big belt buckle, really great boots and a great hat. Some girl from 12th grade asked him if they even had cowboy boots in Europe! His reply, of course not. Him walking on a pair
of "heels" was hilarious, he's never had anything on that had a heel. Anyway, we've had so much fun. His 80's hair is courtesy of his momma's fabulous hair skills! He was a most excellent looking 80's breakdancer. On Thursday, sports team day, he wore his Latvia soccer jersey and hat. We figured no one else in school would be wearing that team! It will stink to go back to uniforms next week... well not really, this has taken alot of effort. Enjoy!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Tooth Fairy suggestions?
I don't post alot about Ryan's "old life." Mostly, to protect his privacy. But, in this case, I'm going to share what he told me the other night. Two reasons... for you to really get a picture of the complete dysfunction they come from. I want you to really see why it's so important for these kids to, at least, be hosted. They really, truly NEED a new model of family. Second, to shine a spotlight on the childhood they've missed out on. If there was ever a reason to host and consider adopting an older child, this story might be it...
Ryan said to me that if he ever broke his tooth, he was going to put it under his pillow. I didn't know where that was coming from, but he is taking karate, so I suppose it's a completely plausible scenario. He said he'd "heard" that sometimes, if you placed your tooth under your pillow, it would get taken and there would be 1 Lat in it's place (which is like 50 cents here). I told him yes, that was known as the tooth fairy and little children place their tooth under their pillow for her to visit and leave something for them. He laughed out loud at the notion of a tooth "fairy." I asked again how he knew about it and had he ever done it? He said, yes, he had done it once, but nothing happened. I asked how he knew to do it and he said his "mom" told him about it. Puzzled, I asked why his "mom" would tell him that but then not actually do anything? He said, "I don't know, probably just to see if I was dumb enough to do it."
So, I'm taking suggestions on what our new Vernon family tradition can be, something to place under the pillow. Feel free to comment. My baby will be putting SOMETHING under his pillow and I... I mean the newly created Vernon family fairy, will be leaving him a dollar. Thoughts? Suggestions?
Please pray for the waiting children. Winter hosting signup will begin soon. This is a perfect picture of why I'm so passionate about these kids, especially older kids. They aren't perfect, they have challenges, but they've been so short-changed, they really deserve some extra grace and alot of love!
"Kid-legs" (inside joke, read on)
Funny story. I was teaching him where the adrenal glads are located. For those of you who haven't had 7th grade health in a while, they are above the kidneys. He didn't know what a kidney was. So, to teach him, I start with sounding the word correctly using visuals and phonetics. With kidney, I told him "kid" and pointed to the "knees." Later, as we reviewed the material, we got around to the adrenal glands/kidney question. Here's the conversation:
Mom- Ryan, where are the adrenal glands located?
Ryan- Well, let's see... hummm... (the universal sound of thinking)........ kid.......... kid........... the kid legs!
Mom- (laughing hysterically, virtually crying I'm laughing so hard, almost falling out of the chair)
Get it? Kid-knees.... couldn't remember the knees part... knew it had something to do with lower extremities..... kid-legs.
The kidneys will forever be the kid-legs in this house! Bless his heart, he's just so precious sometimes.
Citizen Vernon
Monday, August 11, 2008
I confess I'm a mess!
After I left him in his homeroom class, I went in the school office to ask a question and just started crying! I had been holding it in all morning and the levy broke! Bless their hearts...
I promised to not cry daily at the front desk. Thankfully, there was another 7th grade mom there and she made me feel so much better. I am sad because I just lost having my boy with me every day. Other moms have 5 years to get ready for this, I only got 4 months! Whatever will I do with myself now that he's not here with me? I miss him terribly. Of course I took a picture, so many "firsts."
Special Guest
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Birthday Bash
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